message from C.M.:
There's a whole lotta covering up going on in Solano County...
VALLEJO POLICE DEPARTMENTS CODE BLUE PLEDGE " protect and hide any evidence from the scene of the crime... murder em... kill em and bag them up... then proceed with the cover up.
Protect the badge holder at all times.
Always bring guns and drugs to plant at the crime... this is the pledge that The Vallejo Police Department officers took on September 2, 2012 the night that they murdered Mario Romero.
Squad car 136 is the cleanup man... telling evidence from the scene of the murder.
How do you sleep at night mister clean up man? do you sleep?
GOD said whats done in the dark will come to the light... these skeletons just keep falling out of the closet...
hmm I wonder whats next?
"MURDER OF MARIO ROMERO SOLANO COUNTY CORONER COVER UP. AGAIN!!!!" video upload 2012-09-19 to "" by "lexthin56"
2012-101-18 analysis by La Mesha Irizarry of the "Idriss-Stelley Foundation", a non-profit advocating against systematic police violence and extra-judicial executions of innocent people:
In the early morning hours of September 2, 2012 Mario Romero was brutally killed by the Vallejo Police Department as he and his brother-in-law sat in front of their home on their way to return to their wives and children however before they were able to leave their car they were sprayed with bullets by blood thirsty police officers on a mission to seek and destroy.
The Vallejo Police Officers admit they Never identified themselves, Never asked for Driver's License, Insurance or registration. Instead they were told to raise their hands at the same time they were fired upon with brutal force that mirrored the actions of the Nazi's.
Round after round was reloaded into the clip as witness screamed for the officers to spare the lives of these two innocent men who police continued to spray their car with bullets living out a scene from a video game , Jumping upon the hood of the car of the men who they were supposedly threatened by two innocent unarmed men that they intended to kill not hurt but kill.
The community of Vallejo is outraged by the excessive force that has been used on the citizens of Vallejo California and all of the coincidences in the stories.
They have attempted to paint this man as a drug dealing gangster with ties to a neighborhood that he had just moved into in an attempt to smoke screen a murder that they committed.
They stole his body from the scene of the crime and have held it hostage from his loved ones.
They have intimidated the San Francisco Bay Area media by telling them not to cover the rallies on the front porch of the Vallejo Police Department filled with hundreds of saddened citizens in fear of their safety.
they have not allowed the mother of Mario Romero to see the body of her brutally murdered child.
The retiring head of the sheriff's department has considered this murder as minimal and has left this tragedy on the list of to do's for his unavailable assistant while this mother has been deprived of identifying the body of her son.
The Police chief has been unavailable to answer questions from the family and community but has been conveniently available for the media while the family was disallowed. As they cried out for justice for two days straight on the porch of the Vallejo Police Department, Police Public Relations Officer Mr. Basset eased out of the back door of the Police department and into his car to be with his family.
The Mayor of the city has been unavailable to speak to the family but has been available to speak to the media . The mother of this slain man was shooed away as she broke down and cried inside of Mayor Osby Davis' Office... Mr. Davis has taken an extended Vacation and will not be returning until the end of next week and no assistant is available.
Mr. Bassett has justified the actions of his subordinates but has failed to provide the video footage that supports his officers actions.
Meanwhile in a city not far away a CHP officer was gunned down and the tape to the patrol car was made immediately available and all involved parties were named. This has not been the case in Vallejo California where there have been 5 police killings so far this year. The computers and internet of all parties standing up for justice for Mario Romero have been hacked denying access to media outlets, The family home where the slain man lived has been revisited by the Vallejo Police Department but not to offer condolences. It has been revisited by officers shinning the same bright lights minus the guns that they shinned into the windows that very night that Mario Romero was Brutally murdered, windows dow,n laughing taunts about him deserving to die. In an attempt to intimidate and silence the family from seeking justice for injustice. We are all human and deserve to be treated the same. Somehow the Vallejo California Police Department does not agree.
They believe that it is okay to profile, Bully and intimidate the citizens of Vallejo California because they don't believe that anyone cares.
this is plea for everyone to take notice of the continued tragedy that is going on in Vallejo California. We want justice for Mario Romero and all of the citizens of Vallejo California who have been murdered and harassed by the Vallejo Police Department. "something has to be done immediately!
this could be you or your loved one.
It is imperative that the word gets out about the the corrupt actions that have been accepted by the officials.
Please repost and share with you family friends and community
2011-10-04 "The Blue Wall Of Silence"
What is “The Blue Wall of Silence”?
The term “Blue Wall of Silence” also known as the “Blue Shield” first triggered in New York, United States []. This unwritten code can generally be defined as: “A rule among police officers not to report on another officer’s errors, misconducts, and or crimes when questioned about an incident of misconduct involving another colleague, during a course of an inquiry”.
Every country has a police force to enforce its laws and ensure that public peace is maintained overall. In a democratic system of government, the police are expected to maintain public order without violating a citizen’s civil or human rights. The idea that in a democratic country the police do uphold civil liberties and do not violate human rights is not necessarily accurate. The Blue Wall of Silence can be one of many contributing factors that help police officers uphold the deviance involved in their department.
The Blue Wall of Silence symbolizes the loyalty among police officers within the force []. To maintain this loyalty an officer may be forced to neglect the presence of police brutality which can hurt the victims by preventing them from getting justice. Moreover, the Blue Wall of Silence and police brutality have been and continue to be, protected and facilitated by the police culture. A mutual link then can be made between police culture and police corruption, which makes this topic significantly interesting.
According to Maurice Punch (2009), corruption in policing generally refers to: an officer perceptively doing or not doing something that is contrary to his/her duty for some form of financial or material gain. In most cases, it is geared largely in the direction of bribery and individual gain in return for favors.
Research has been collected through previous cases involving police misconduct that caught the media’s attention and went global, for example the New York Police Department []. In New York City, some police officers have been associated with the Blue Wall of Silence that led to the Mollen Commission in 1994 []. Mollen’s mandate was to examine and investigate “the nature and extent of corruption in the Department; evaluate the departments procedures for preventing and detecting that corruption; and recommend changes and improvements to those procedures”. The Commission found that officers falsified documents such as arrest reports, warrants and evidence for an illegal arrest or search and they justified themselves by believing that this was not corruption but yet another way to “get the job done”. The Mollen Commission concluded by saying “The pervasiveness of the code of silence is itself alarming”.
During the course of my web audit, using the Google search engine, I entered the term “Blue Wall of Silence” and received approximately 3,950,000 hits with content extending from dated to more recent incidents. The first page consisted of information from the Wikipedia [], News Media Articles [], Multimedia [], and from former NYPD Police Officers that went against the code []. I found the Wikipedia – the free encyclopaedia provided a good definition on the term and provided a direct link to the Mollen Commission, which made it easier to understand the whole phenomenon that took place in New York City.
Additionally, I found the first page is restricted by a lack of academic articles. However, found it interesting how there are a range of perspectives with respect to this topic. For example, the first page consisted of a link where a police officer spoke out regarding the issues associated with the unwritten code, within his department. Furthermore, this topic can be controversial towards the public’s eye and we can start to ask questions, Can this Unwritten Code The Blue Wall of Silence be broken?
Punch, Maurice. (2009). Police Corruption Deviance, accountability and reform in policing. Willan Publishing. Devon, UK.
What is meant by the Blue Wall of Silence?
The Blue Wall of Silence is the name used to describe the unity exhibited by Police officers in an aim to limit their co-operation when the accused is a police official. It is neither a morally justifiable act nor is it a legal act.
Experts say that the Blue Wall of Silence symbolizes the fierce loyalty among police officers. According to NPR’s Eric Westervelt, the idea of the impenetrable ‘code’ came into existence when a Haitian immigrant was tortured in custody at a Brooklyn precinct. In reality, the Blue Wall of Silence was built by Jerome H. Skolnick who reported the case in April 2000.The trial that began on May 4 of four New York policemen in connection with the August 1997 brutalization of Haitian immigrant Abner Louima took two surprising turns. In the second week of the trial, three NYPD policemen took the stand to support the prosecution's charges that one of the defendants, Officer Justin A. Volpe, had sodomized Louima with a wooden stick in the restroom of the 70th Precinct station house in Brooklyn. The three cops, breaking through the notorious "blue wall of silence," testified that Volpe had boasted of the crime, and they offered accounts supporting aspects of the charges. The fact that three cops had testified against another cop in a police brutality case took the media by storm. Then, the second surprising turn was that, Volpe decided to plead guilty to the charges. This confession shocked the community at large who felt that these killers in blue uniforms cannot be reformed but must be removed from our communities. Media reports said that the three cops who testified against Volpe were emboldened to cross the "blue line of silence" by the mass protests against police brutality that followed the murder of Amadou Diallo. Thus the Blue Wall of Silence came into existence.
The Blue Wall of Silence, does not have an official existence. This is not a written code. John Diedrich in the Milwaukee Sentinel article titled “Wall of Silence Not Breaking” calls it the ‘unwritten code of silence’. By common reasoning, it is easy to connect the existence of police brutality with the Blue Wall of Silence. Where there is police brutality, the issue of the Blue Wall of Silence coexists. Hence it can be concluded using deductive reasoning that the Blue Wall of Silence exists at all levels of the police. The existence of the Blue Wall of Silence affects the prisoners who face police brutality, as well as the righteous police officers who try to tear down the Blue Wall of Silence.
The case of Frank Jude Jr. merits special attention in this context. Frank Jude Jr., was savagely beaten Oct. 24 by a dozen men who, witnesses said identified themselves as off-duty police officers. This was a case in which the officers’ testimony became crucial. This is a case when the Blue Wall of Silence affects the life of Frank Jude Jr., a victim of police brutality. According to New York Daily News, Barry, a 16-year veteran of the force, contends she was demoted and brought up on disciplinary charges after whistle-blowing on the truancy unit of the Queens South Task Force in 1998. Barry was demoted, assigned to midnight tours and accused of failing to supervise her unit. She was further labeled by other cops as a ‘rat’."Cops will tolerate psychos, alcoholics, wife-beaters, dweebs and geeks, but they will not tolerate rats. Period," said Tony Bouza, chief of the Minneapolis Police Department from 1980 to 1988. In this particular case, the Blue Wall of Silence has affected the life of a righteous police officer, Barry.
The above instances show that the Blue Wall of Silence hurts the victims of police brutality by preventing them from getting justice and the righteous police officers who are punished for choosing to cross the Blue Wall of Silence. It protects the police officers who perpetuate the crime of brutality.
The Blue Wall of Silence is thus a barrier to the course of justice. It does more harm than good because it destroys the image of the police officers in the public eye. Supporters of the Blue Wall of Silence argue that police officers have friendships and allegiances among colleagues, much like workers in any office and these officers depend on each other with their lives. It can be reasoned that a police officer honoring the Blue Wall of Silence is merely following the instructions of his seniors. As such there can be nothing morally wrong in it from the viewpoint of the police officers.
Another police officer justifies the ‘code’ saying that it is the result of changing role of the police officer. The police of today are trained to look out for drugs and terrorists. They are trained differently in recent times. By heavily arming them, they are expected to be more aggressive in their jobs thereby promoting police brutality.
By indulging in police brutality, such officers commit crimes. When, in respect of the Blue Wall of Silence, colleagues maintain silence in this context, they are actually acting on the side of the criminals and hence will be considered as supporters of the crime. Thus, in the eyes of the public and the prisoners, it would be unethical for a police officer to protect his colleagues on the pretext of the Blue Wall of Silence. The Blue Wall of Silence, created by the media to define the unwritten code of police officers to protect offenders of crimes amongst their colleagues has become a hotly debated issue in the light of deaths due to police brutality. While protecting culprits within the police force, this Wall has been a barrier to obtaining justice for the victims of police brutality. It can be predicted that there is every chance that this Blue Wall of Silence can be finally broken by the powerful roar of the media in the voice of a communicative and aware public.
Father Say Vallejo Police Shoot His Son In the Head, Shoot Son Arms Off & Shoot Son Feet Off
Father Micheal Say Vallejo Police Shoot His Son In the Head and shoot his son arm off and shoot his son feet off. You must look at the VIDEO AND SEE THE KILLING!!!!! Father tells the story that his son had three bullets holes in his head while he wipe off the makeup off his face while he laid in the coffin. You must see the video on you tube The citizen in Vallejo is under attack by the Vallejo Police. When will the FBI come and Investigate the Vallejo Police Department..????
"Rev. Harris Stands With Guy Jarreau's Mother From Louisiana To Announce Class Action Law Suit" []:
National Network In Action President Rev. Harris Stands With Guy Jarreau's Mother From Louisiana To Announce Class Law Suit Against The City of Vallejo Police.
Civil Right Leader Rev. Floyd D. Harris Jr Does Candlelight Vigil For Guy Jarreau 10-11-12 Part #1
Civil Right Leader Revl Floyd D. Harris Jr Does Candlelight Vigil ( 10-11-12 ) Part 1. Guy Jarreau Was Shot And Killed By Vallejo Police. This Is His Mom Standing In The Alley Where Guy Was Smoked By The Police.!!!!!!
We Will Never For Get How They Took This Brother " LIFE "
Guy Jarreau Family Is Exposing The Corruption On Who Was Paid Off To Cover Up The Murder Guy
Guy Jarreau who was murder by the Vallejo Police. Guy mother has not receive the police report. This family as and the community have been demanding justice for Guy Jarreau. The day of the murder the Vallejo Police took cameras and other items at the crime sceen and have not return it back to the family. Why is the Vallejo Police Killling young black men? The Vallejo Police Department is averaging at least 1 murder a month.