Saturday, September 1, 2012

People's Media guide

Vallejo Cop-Watch has compiled this list of the "People's Media", which are those journalists and news-media which attempt to tell the People's side of the truth, and who have given a spotlight on the Human Rights abuse in Vallejo.

"San Francisco Bay View" newspaper and online journal

"Northbay Uprising Radio News" with Dr.G. & Mis.D.
Thursday, 5 to 6pm
Vallejo, 89.5fm KZCT
Part of the Northbay Uprising radio showcase of culture and music, the Radio News has a diverse audience of thousands around the northeast San Pablo bay area, providing voices and news otherwise censored by the monopolized media.

"Keeping It Real with Dr. Jean Kennedy"
Tuesday, 9-10 PM
Fresno, 88.1fm KFCF
Keeping it Real with Dr. Jean Kennedy is a radio program which engages in meaningful conversations with guests. As an educator and Organizational Psychologist, Dr. Jean Kennedy (radio host) has created a welcoming learning environment, in which listeners will undoubtedly come away with insights and different perspectives on a wide range of topics that deal with psycho-social and community issues, be it physically, spiritually, financial, or emotional. These areas, when impacted negatively, causes us to feel "dis-eased". The show engages her listening audience thru personal story telling.
 Dr. Kennedy's program airs each Tuesday on KFCF 88.1 FM from 9pm to 10pm. Live streaming is also available at for all local, national and international listeners. Be sure to become a "Facebook fan" of Dr. Kennedy to receive updates of discussion topics and to share your comments on the shows. You can also share your comments via email at: jeankennedy7777 at hotmail dot com.

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